Sunday, August 1, 2010

Brogdon Endorsement - What Gives?

If I were Mary Fallin or Jari Askins in the days following the election, I might be a little miffed at most of the political bloggers around the state.  They have devoted a lot of time to the Brogdon endorsement (or the lack there of).

The fact of the matter is, Randy Brogdon did not endorse any candidate in the primary, nor did he receive the endorsement from any politician or political talking head.  Those who follow Brogdon know he is a man of principle, a man who talks the talk and walks the walk.  During his campaign he talked of liberty, freedom, and personal responsibility.  He championed legislation like the "Opt Out of Obamacare" that will be on the November ballot.  He has several other items of legislation on November's ballot that he has fought for as a state legislator, some as long as eight years.  This goes to the core of who this man is.  He is a self-described constitutional conservative and rarely refers to himself as a Republican.

Say what you want about the timing or the lack of an endorsement, but I suspect that Brogdon has other things on his mind besides getting Mary Fallin elected.  He is an impassioned man that is truly concerned about the future of the great State of Oklahoma.

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